Sunday Paper Coupons (also known at Couponing Fanatics), provides 1000's of free coupons and free couponing resources. If you want to learn how to coupon, already know how to coupon and just want to get all of your free coupons from one source, need to brush up on your skills, or simply need access to our free resources Inside each Sunday paper are coupon booklets, also known as “freestanding inserts.” There are three different inserts that come out on a regular basis: Smart Source (SS), RetailMeNot Everyday (RMN, formerly Red Plum), and Procter & Gamble (PG). Some physical coupons now include a coupon code, also called a promotion code, printed on the coupon. This allows you to get the same deal at the company's online shopping site. You can sometimes find coupon codes via an Internet search.