Contra proferentem indian contract act

The courts have evolved and applied certain rules to protect the interest of the consumer, customer or passenger, as the case may be upon whom standard form contracts or exemption clauses are imposed, like reasonable notice should be given, notice should be given, notice should be contemporaneous with contract, theory of fundamental breach, contra proferentem interpretation of the contract, liability in tort, exemption clauses and third parties etc. The contra proferentem rule states, broadly, that where there is doubt about the meaning of the contract, the words will be construed against the person who put them forward. .5.3 Lastly, it is pleaded that by the respondent that the doctrine of Contra Proferentem comes to the aid of the respondent-company, as it clearly stipulates that when a provision of the contract can, the doctrine of Contra proferentem cannot be made applicable to the present case because there is no ambiguity in the terms of the contract.

A standard policy of insurance is different from other Contracts and in a claim under a standard policy the rule of contra proferentem is to be applied. The Policy in this case is in a standard form. The policy for Burglary and House Breaking in United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Orient Treasures (P) Ltd. (supra) and the policy in this case are In this case it was held that if there is any doubt or ambiguity in a clause of the insurance contract, the Rule of Verba Chartarum Fortius Contra Proferentem applies. The contract was drafted by the defendant and in case of ambiguity and doubt in any clause the said clause is to be interpreted to the advantage and benefit of the insured. Contra Proferentem is a Latin term which means “against the offeror.” It refers to a standard in contract law which states that if a clause in a contract appears to be ambiguous, it should be interpreted against the interests of the person who insisted that the clause be included. 3.2 The contra proferentem rule. This rule states that if there is any doubt about the meaning or scope of an exclusion clause, the ambiguity should be resolved against the party seeking to rely on the exclusion clause. It is the other party who is given the benefit of the doubt. An extreme example of this is given in Hollier v Rambler Motors (AMC) Ltd [1972] 2 QB 71. The courts have evolved and applied certain rules to protect the interest of the consumer, customer or passenger, as the case may be upon whom standard form contracts or exemption clauses are imposed, like reasonable notice should be given, notice should be given, notice should be contemporaneous with contract, theory of fundamental breach, contra proferentem interpretation of the contract, liability in tort, exemption clauses and third parties etc. Contra proferentem (Latin: "against [the] offeror"), also known as "interpretation against the draftsman", is a doctrine of contractual interpretation providing that, where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. One of the widely accepted means of dispute resolution in construction disputes is arbitration. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (“Arbitration Act”) is the governing law of arbitration in India. The Arbitration Act is essentially based on the UNCITRAL Model Law, 1985 and UNCITRAL Model Arbitration Rules,

In this case it was held that if there is any doubt or ambiguity in a clause of the insurance contract, the Rule of Verba Chartarum Fortius Contra Proferentem applies. The contract was drafted by the defendant and in case of ambiguity and doubt in any clause the said clause is to be interpreted to the advantage and benefit of the insured.

7 Apr 2017 The parties had agreed that Indiana law applied to this contract in favor of the employees under the doctrine of contra proferentem. treaties with American Indians must be construed in the sense in which they contra proferentem rule under the Treaty of Waitangi Act. This paper will not In line with the contra proferentem rule, where any ambiguity in a contract is to be. 16 Jan 2018 When this occurs, a court might apply a rule like contra proferentem, interpreting against the drafter, or the preference for. * Agnes N. Williams  The Contra Proferentem Rule where there is Ambiguity in a Contract Term or Clause Frequently an The law strives for, and promotes, certainty in agreements. In common law traditions, the interpretation of a contract is often an objective is to be construed 'contra proferentem' i.e. against the party who put forward the 

3.2 The contra proferentem rule. This rule states that if there is any doubt about the meaning or scope of an exclusion clause, the ambiguity should be resolved against the party seeking to rely on the exclusion clause. It is the other party who is given the benefit of the doubt. An extreme example of this is given in Hollier v Rambler Motors (AMC) Ltd [1972] 2 QB 71.

A standard policy of insurance is different from other Contracts and in a claim under a standard policy the rule of contra proferentem is to be applied. The Policy in this case is in a standard form. The policy for Burglary and House Breaking in United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Orient Treasures (P) Ltd. (supra) and the policy in this case are identical. The contra proferentem rule is a legal doctrine in contract law which states that any clause considered to be ambiguous should be interpreted against the interests of the party that created, introduced, or requested that a clause be included. The contra proferentem rule guides the legal interpretation Government Contracting Database. Contra Proferentem Under the rule of Contra Proferentem, “where the Government draws specifications which are fairly susceptible of a certain construction and the contractor actually and reasonably so construes them, justice and equity require that that construction be adopted.” Folk Construction

Contra proferentem (Latin: "against [the] offeror"), also known as "interpretation against the draftsman", is a doctrine of contractual interpretation providing that, where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording.

22 Aug 2016 It is well-settled law that there is no difference between a contract of on Insurance Law[1] deals with the rule of contra proferentem as follows:. 5 Jul 2019 The contra proferentem rule is a legal doctrine in contract law which states that any clause considered to be ambiguous should be interpreted  21 Jun 2013 The Doctrine of Contra Proferentem is generally applied by the Judges in the essence from Insurance law, applies in a situation when a provision in the contract Similarly in India, the Judges have adopted a similar line of 

22 Aug 2016 It is well-settled law that there is no difference between a contract of on Insurance Law[1] deals with the rule of contra proferentem as follows:.

One of the widely accepted means of dispute resolution in construction disputes is arbitration. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (“Arbitration Act”) is the governing law of arbitration in India. The Arbitration Act is essentially based on the UNCITRAL Model Law, 1985 and UNCITRAL Model Arbitration Rules, A standard policy of insurance is different from other Contracts and in a claim under a standard policy the rule of contra proferentem is to be applied. The Policy in this case is in a standard form. The policy for Burglary and House Breaking in United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Orient Treasures (P) Ltd. (supra) and the policy in this case are identical. The contra proferentem rule is a legal doctrine in contract law which states that any clause considered to be ambiguous should be interpreted against the interests of the party that created, introduced, or requested that a clause be included. The contra proferentem rule guides the legal interpretation

treaties with American Indians must be construed in the sense in which they contra proferentem rule under the Treaty of Waitangi Act. This paper will not In line with the contra proferentem rule, where any ambiguity in a contract is to be. 16 Jan 2018 When this occurs, a court might apply a rule like contra proferentem, interpreting against the drafter, or the preference for. * Agnes N. Williams  The Contra Proferentem Rule where there is Ambiguity in a Contract Term or Clause Frequently an The law strives for, and promotes, certainty in agreements. In common law traditions, the interpretation of a contract is often an objective is to be construed 'contra proferentem' i.e. against the party who put forward the  24 Feb 2011 All this will fuel a rise in collaborative law, where counsel are instructed to resolve a case outside ARTICLE - Doctrine of Contra-Proferentem in Contracts Management Often the disputes arise because of contract clauses. Contra- Proferentem places the cost of losses on the party who was in the best position to avoid the harm. AMBIGOUS CONTRACT TERMS. The precondition for the applicability of this Doctrine is the existence of ambiguity. In a recent celebrated case of Horne Coupar v. Contra Proferentem is a rule of construction which interprets an ambiguous contract against its drafter. The concept of ‘Contra Proferentem’ was commonly witnessed in the insurance industry.