Credit score and credit rating the same thing
Credit score ranges Think of your credit scores as a report card that gauges your creditworthiness. The most common scores range from 300 points to 850 points. The higher your score, the better. So even if you view your FICO® scores, say, through your bank, they won’t necessarily be the same scores the lender sees when you apply for credit. Base FICO® scores range from 300 to 850 and are made up of the following factors: Payment history: 35%; Amounts owed: 30%; Length of credit history: 15%; New credit: 10%; Credit mix: 10%; Depending on what your scores are, you may wonder what they mean. FICO defines the following credit ranges based on FICO® Score 8 credit scores “All credit scores use the same information from your credit report, but they treat the information slightly differently to meet the needs of the particular lender,” according to Experian. Strategize: Your Game Plan for Getting the Highest Credit Score Possible. FICO vs. VantageScore. VantageScore is another well-known credit score.